Networking communities at work


I belong to multiple groups on Facebook. Groups are a fantastic way of sharing information among people who have a common interest quickly and easily (and perhaps more privately than sharing email addresses).

What I’m looking at today, however, doesn’t include those groups, as for the most part they are online communities, and not communities of practice – today’s topic.

What’s the difference?

Continue reading Networking communities at work

The business of social media


Where people are, businesses follow. And nowhere is that more true than on the varying forms of social media – after all, most of the forms of social media are created and run by companies, and these guys want to make money.

So do many of their users, however.

Tell businesses they can have the ability to talk directly to their customers, to know their brand champions, and be able to reach new customers with low cost or no cost, was always going to draw them like bears to honey.

Add to that the ability for non-profit organisations to raise awareness and potentially funds, or to communicate to their members – pretty much for free – and its really no wonder that my newsfeed on Facebook and my LinkedIn account are more full of updates from the above, than pictures of Granny’s cat.

Continue reading The business of social media