To trust or not to trust?


My husband and I don’t put photos of our children on social media. Yes, I realise that puts us in the minority. But we’re working on the premise that social media, although it seems fleeting and transient today, will actually last well into the future, and we’re fairly sure at least a proportion of what I might think adorable today, they will find cringeworthy in years to come. I’m also concerned about pictures being stolen, or information about myself and the children being used for nefarious purposes.

The picture above is me, aged about six days. I think it’s cute now, but I wouldn’t have years ago!

Social media is, for persons and businesses, about social capital and trust. I don’t have great faith that information I put into the internet won’t be stolen or misused. So I choose to lock my social media down to a large degree, and keep my digital footprint as anonymous as I can.

Busineses wanting to boost their social capital and their bottom line by using social networking don’t have that choice.

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